Friday, August 20, 2010

Bear LOVES Baths

Bear's allergies are really bad. Apparently they are seasonal like mine. (I've been wearing my glasses for 2 days now...yuck). Anyways, I decided to give him a bath to hopefully de-itch him.

He has never been bad about getting a bath. I actually just do it right on my driveway, no leash and all!

Bath's do, however, make Bear a little you'll see.

Here are my favorite shots from today's Bath Sesh:

While I was giving Bear a bath, I witnessed a pretty crappy car wreck. Craziness.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


After a long game of ball. It's the little things in life I guess.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bear Loves Soccer Balls

No explanation needed.

Bear Loves Walks

One thing you have to know about Bear is that he LOVES walks. I'd say even more than he loves toys. It's gotten so bad that Mark and I have reverted to spelling out the word if we're contemplating taking him on one because otherwise he goes crazy. Unfortunately he's caught on to that too. He does that classic German Shepard head tilt until it seems like his head couldn't possibly go any further to one side without his neck breaking.

Needless to say, this is what resulted from Mark and I's "W. A. L. K." talk.

P.S. Sorry it's a little blurry. Not sure what's happening during the conversion of this one...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bear's brother Pip

Bear's brother Pip got ran over this morning and is in surgery now. Praying that he pulls through. He's one cute lil puppy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bear Loves Toys.

Bear has always loved toys. It's an obsession really.

The squeakers are like doggy crack to him.

Bear Hates Monday's

So, you might be wondering why I chose to name this blog "Bear Hates Monday's."

This is why:

I was getting ready for work this morning and when I went into my bedroom, there is Bear laying on the bed looking out the window with those big, sad brown eyes.

Something is different. He's bummed.

It didn't take long for me to put it all together. Bear knows when it's Monday. And he hates it.

I've always known he was observant. For years, whenever I would put on my deodorant in the morning, Bear would jump off the bed and run to the door. He knew that was the last thing I did before I took him out in the morning. He recognized the sound and ran for the door.

Since I got married, this routine has changed and he doesn't do that anymore.

Now, it seems he's picked up on Monday's. Let the pouting begin.

Hi there.

I'm not a professional photographer. Not even close.

I'm just a girl with a camera who only has one subject: Bear.

Bear is my dog. And he is by far and away the best dog in the whole world. Seriously.

I know people say that about their dogs all the time, but in Bear's case it's 100% true. In his whole life, he has only done 2 bad things:

1. He ate one of my brand new Guess pumps. (The repercussions of this incident has left him with a fear of the word "shoe.")
2. He chewed up a few rolls of toilet paper.

Bear's biggest downfall is that he is shy. Very shy. He loves who he loves and no one else. So most people he meets never really get to meet him.

My hope for this blog is to introduce the world to it's best dog. Enjoy :)