Monday, August 9, 2010

Hi there.

I'm not a professional photographer. Not even close.

I'm just a girl with a camera who only has one subject: Bear.

Bear is my dog. And he is by far and away the best dog in the whole world. Seriously.

I know people say that about their dogs all the time, but in Bear's case it's 100% true. In his whole life, he has only done 2 bad things:

1. He ate one of my brand new Guess pumps. (The repercussions of this incident has left him with a fear of the word "shoe.")
2. He chewed up a few rolls of toilet paper.

Bear's biggest downfall is that he is shy. Very shy. He loves who he loves and no one else. So most people he meets never really get to meet him.

My hope for this blog is to introduce the world to it's best dog. Enjoy :)


  1. He also ate a couple pairs of my new shoes. Attacked me because he doesn't quite grasp the idea of "Hide and go seek". But, I must admit I do love him a lot even though my dog has been voted best looking- your dog takes the cake for sweetest dog.

  2. Haha, you crack me up. :) I need to come take pictures of Harley so I can post them up here!

  3. Yea for sure! He's sooo handsome.
